Headache & Migraine Clinic
At our Medela Osteopathy & Co clinic in Tweed Heads we have specific protocol for migraine and headache patients. Our principle osteopath Nathanael has trained with leading headache and migraine clinician Jon Marshall out of Singapore to develop a method that can help reduce frequency and intensity of migraines and other kinds of headaches without drug intervention.
What is involved in a headache or migraine appointment?
After a thorough assessment and case history we aim to identify all triggers and contributing factors for your headaches. These factors may differ greatly from person to person which is why we take the time to do these lengthy assessments.
After this an individualised plan will be developed that typically includes elements such as manual treatment (Osteopathy, needling, etc.), specific exercise protocols, lifestyle interventions and more.
Causes for migraine have been difficult to pinpoint by scientists. The most current evidence suggests most migraines are caused by the brain stem (the part of your brain that reaches down your spine slightly) and can be related to circulatory issues in the cranial area.
Headaches can be broken into two main categories: Primary headaches include migraine, tension-type headache and cluster-type headache. These are the most common headaches and Osteopathy can help greatly with the musculoskeletal triggers for these. Secondary headaches are a much larger category with close to a dozen other types of headaches, some of these can be helped and some cannot. The best way to know what type of headaches you get is to come in and get assessed by a skilled clinician. Dr Google is very misleading when it comes to diagnosing the nuances in different headaches.
For most chronic conditions a certain level of maintenance is recommended to help stave off symptoms. Most peoples headaches have recurring triggers and managing these can be an ongoing process.
During a headache is a great time to come in if you are able to get out of the house. Although you do not have to have a current headache when you come in and get assessed.
When you have a headache we may be able to help resolve the current episode. When you do not we will focus more on addressing all the contributing factors.